
NonEmptyList is a data type used in Λrrow to model ordered lists that guarantee to have at least one value.

Constructing NonEmptyList

A NonEmptyList guarantees the list always has at least 1 element.

import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf
import arrow.core.toNonEmptyListOrNull

fun main() {
println(nonEmptyListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
println(listOf(1, 2, 3).toNonEmptyListOrNull())
NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3)


Unlike List[0], NonEmptyList.head it's a safe operation that guarantees no exception throwing.

import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf

val value =
nonEmptyListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).head
fun main() {


When we fold over a NonEmptyList, we turn a NonEmptyList< A > into B by providing a seed value and a function that carries the state on each iteration over the elements of the list. The first argument is a function that addresses the seed value, this can be any object of any type which will then become the resulting typed value. The second argument is a function that takes the current state and element in the iteration and returns the new state after transformations have been applied.

import arrow.core.NonEmptyList
import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf

fun sumNel(nel: NonEmptyList<Int>): Int =
nel.foldLeft(0) { acc, n -> acc + n }
val value = sumNel(nonEmptyListOf(1, 1, 1, 1))
fun main() {
println("value = $value")


map allows us to transform A into B in NonEmptyList< A >

import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf

val value =
nonEmptyListOf(1, 1, 1, 1).map { it + 1 }
fun main() {

Combining NonEmptyLists


flatMap allows us to compute over the contents of multiple NonEmptyList< * > values

import arrow.core.NonEmptyList
import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf

val nelOne: NonEmptyList<Int> = nonEmptyListOf(1, 2, 3)
val nelTwo: NonEmptyList<Int> = nonEmptyListOf(4, 5)

val value = nelOne.flatMap { one -> { two ->
one + two
fun main() {
println("value = $value")


Λrrow contains methods that allow you to preserve type information when computing over different NonEmptyList typed values.

import arrow.core.NonEmptyList
import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf
import kotlin.random.Random

data class Person(val id: Long, val name: String, val year: Int)

// Note each NonEmptyList is of a different type
val nelId: NonEmptyList<Long> = nonEmptyListOf(Random.nextLong(), Random.nextLong())
val nelName: NonEmptyList<String> = nonEmptyListOf("William Alvin Howard", "Haskell Curry")
val nelYear: NonEmptyList<Int> = nonEmptyListOf(1926, 1900)

val value =, nelYear) { id, name, year ->
Person(id, name, year)
fun main() {
println("value = $value")


  • NonEmptyList is used to model lists that guarantee at least one element

  • We can easily construct values of NonEmptyList with nonEmptyListOf

  • foldLeft, map, flatMap and others are used to compute over the internal contents of a NonEmptyList value.

  •, c) { ... } can be used to compute over multiple NonEmptyList values preserving type information and abstracting over arity with zip


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constructor(head: E, tail: List<E>)


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object Companion


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val all: List<E>
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open override val head: E
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open override val size: Int
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val tail: List<E>


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fun <T> align(other: NonEmptyList<T>): NonEmptyList<Ior<E, T>>
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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.align(b: Iterable<B>): List<Ior<A, B>>

Combines two structures by taking the union of their shapes and using Ior to hold the elements.

inline fun <A, B, C> Iterable<A>.align(b: Iterable<B>, fa: (Ior<A, B>) -> C): List<C>

Combines two structures by taking the union of their shapes and combining the elements with the given function.

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inline fun <T> coflatMap(f: (NonEmptyList<E>) -> T): NonEmptyList<T>
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operator fun <E : Comparable<E>> NonEmptyList<E>.compareTo(other: NonEmptyList<E>): Int
operator fun <A : Comparable<A>> Iterable<A>.compareTo(other: Iterable<A>): Int
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open operator override fun contains(element: E): Boolean
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open override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<E>): Boolean
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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.crosswalk(f: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<List<B>>
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fun <A, K, V> Iterable<A>.crosswalkMap(f: (A) -> Map<K, V>): Map<K, List<V>>
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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.crosswalkNull(f: (A) -> B?): List<B>?
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inline override fun distinct(): NonEmptyList<E>
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inline override fun <K> distinctBy(selector: (E) -> K): NonEmptyList<E>
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Returns an element as Some at the given index or None if the index is out of bounds of this iterable.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun extract(): E
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Returns the first element as Some, or None if the iterable is empty.

inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.firstOrNone(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Option<T>

Returns the first element as Some matching the given predicate, or None if element was not found.

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open fun firstOrNull(): E
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inline override fun <T> flatMap(transform: (E) -> NonEmptyCollection<T>): NonEmptyList<T>
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Flatten an Iterable of Either. Alias for mapOrAccumulate over an Iterable of computed Either. Either returns a List containing all Either.Right values, or a NonEmptyList of all Either.Left values.

@JvmName(name = "flattenNelOrAccumulate")
fun <Error, A> Iterable<EitherNel<Error, A>>.flattenOrAccumulate(): Either<NonEmptyList<Error>, List<A>>

Flatten an Iterable of Either. Alias for mapOrAccumulate over an Iterable of computed Either. Either returns a List containing all Either.Right values, or a NonEmptyList of all EitherNel values.

Flatten an Iterable of Either. Alias for mapOrAccumulate over an Iterable of computed Either. Either returns a List containing all Either.Right values, or Either.Left values accumulated using combine.

@JvmName(name = "flattenNelOrAccumulate")
fun <Error, A> Iterable<EitherNel<Error, A>>.flattenOrAccumulate(combine: (Error, Error) -> Error): Either<Error, List<A>>

Flatten an Iterable of Either. Alias for mapOrAccumulate over an Iterable of computed Either. Either returns a List containing all Either.Right values, or EitherNel values accumulated using combine.

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inline fun <Acc> foldLeft(b: Acc, f: (Acc, E) -> Acc): Acc
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open operator override fun get(index: Int): E
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun indexOf(element: E): Int
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fun <A> Iterable<A>.interleave(other: Iterable<A>): List<A>

Interleaves the elements of this Iterable with those of other. Elements of this and other are taken in turn, and the resulting list is the concatenation of the interleaved elements. If one Iterable is longer than the other, the remaining elements are appended to the end.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<E>
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open override fun lastIndexOf(element: E): Int
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Returns the last element as Some, or None if the iterable is empty.

inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.lastOrNone(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Option<T>

Returns the last element as Some matching the given predicate, or None if no such element was found.

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open override fun lastOrNull(): E
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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.leftPadZip(other: Iterable<B>): List<Pair<A?, B>>

Returns a List containing the zipped values of the two lists with null for padding on the left.

inline fun <A, B, C> Iterable<A>.leftPadZip(other: Iterable<B>, fab: (A?, B) -> C): List<C>

Returns a List containing the result of applying some transformation (A?, B) -> C on a zip, excluding all cases where the right value is null.

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open override fun listIterator(): ListIterator<E>
open override fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<E>
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inline override fun <T> map(transform: (E) -> T): NonEmptyList<T>
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inline override fun <T> mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, E) -> T): NonEmptyList<T>
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inline fun <Error, E, T> NonEmptyList<E>.mapOrAccumulate(combine: (Error, Error) -> Error, transform: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.(E) -> T): Either<Error, NonEmptyList<T>>

Returns Either a List containing the results of applying the given transform function to each element in the original collection, or accumulate all the logical errors into a NonEmptyList that were raised while applying the transform function.

inline fun <Error, A, B> Iterable<A>.mapOrAccumulate(combine: (Error, Error) -> Error, transform: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.(A) -> B): Either<Error, List<B>>

Returns Either a List containing the results of applying the given transform function to each element in the original collection, or accumulate all the logical errors that were raised while transforming the collection using the combine function is used to accumulate all the logical errors.

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inline fun <E : Comparable<E>> NonEmptyList<E>.max(): E
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inline fun <E, T : Comparable<T>> NonEmptyList<E>.maxBy(selector: (E) -> T): E
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inline fun <E : Comparable<E>> NonEmptyList<E>.min(): E
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inline fun <E, T : Comparable<T>> NonEmptyList<E>.minBy(selector: (E) -> T): E
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fun <T> padZip(other: NonEmptyList<T>): NonEmptyList<Pair<E?, T?>>
inline fun <B, C> padZip(other: NonEmptyList<B>, left: (E) -> C, right: (B) -> C, both: (E, B) -> C): NonEmptyList<C>
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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.padZip(other: Iterable<B>): List<Pair<A?, B?>>

Returns a List containing the zipped values of the two lists with null for padding.

inline fun <A, B, C> Iterable<A>.padZip(other: Iterable<B>, fa: (A?, B?) -> C): List<C>

Returns a List containing the result of applying some transformation (A?, B?) -> C on a zip.

inline fun <A, B, C> Iterable<A>.padZip(other: Iterable<B>, left: (A) -> C, right: (B) -> C, both: (A, B) -> C): List<C>
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open operator override fun plus(element: E): NonEmptyList<E>
operator fun plus(l: NonEmptyList<E>): NonEmptyList<E>
open operator override fun plus(elements: Iterable<E>): NonEmptyList<E>
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inline fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.reduceOrNull(initial: (A) -> B, operation: (acc: B, A) -> B): B?
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inline fun <A, B> List<A>.reduceRightNull(initial: (A) -> B, operation: (A, acc: B) -> B): B?
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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.rightPadZip(other: Iterable<B>): List<Pair<A, B?>>

Returns a List> containing the zipped values of the two lists with null for padding on the right.

inline fun <A, B, C> Iterable<A>.rightPadZip(other: Iterable<B>, fa: (A, B?) -> C): List<C>

Returns a List containing the result of applying some transformation (A, B?) -> C on a zip, excluding all cases where the left value is null.

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Separate the inner Either values into the Either.Left and Either.Right.

inline fun <T, A, B> Iterable<T>.separateEither(f: (T) -> Either<A, B>): Pair<List<A>, List<B>>

Applies a function f to each element and returns a pair of arrays: the first one made of those values returned by f that were wrapped in Either.Left, and the second one made of those wrapped in Either.Right.

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fun <A, B> Iterable<Ior<A, B>>.separateIor(): Pair<List<A>, List<B>>

splits a union into its component parts.

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Returns single element as Some, or None if the iterable is empty or has more than one element.

inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.singleOrNone(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Option<T>

Returns the single element as Some matching the given predicate, or None if element was not found or more than one element was found.

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fun <A> Iterable<A>.split(): Pair<List<A>, A>?

Attempt to split the Iterable into the tail and the first element. Returns null if the Iterable is empty, otherwise returns a Pair of the tail and the first element.

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open override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<E>
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fun <A> Iterable<A>.tail(): List<A>

Alias for drop(1)

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fun toList(): List<E>
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@JvmName(name = "toNonEmptyListOrNone")
fun <T> Iterable<T>.toNonEmptyListOrNone(): Option<NonEmptyList<T>>
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@JvmName(name = "toNonEmptyListOrNull")
fun <T> Iterable<T>.toNonEmptyListOrNull(): NonEmptyList<T>?
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun <A, B> Iterable<Ior<A, B>>.unalign(): Pair<List<A?>, List<B?>>

inline fun <A, B, C> Iterable<C>.unalign(fa: (C) -> Ior<A, B>): Pair<List<A?>, List<B?>>

after applying the given function, splits the resulting union shaped structure into its components parts

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fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.unweave(ffa: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<B>

interleaves the elements produced by applying ffa to every element of this Iterable.

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fun <T> zip(other: NonEmptyList<T>): NonEmptyList<Pair<E, T>>
inline fun <B, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, map: (E, B) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, map: (E, B, C) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, map: (E, B, C, D) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, F, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, e: NonEmptyList<F>, map: (E, B, C, D, F) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, F, G, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, e: NonEmptyList<F>, f: NonEmptyList<G>, map: (E, B, C, D, F, G) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, F, G, H, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, e: NonEmptyList<F>, f: NonEmptyList<G>, g: NonEmptyList<H>, map: (E, B, C, D, F, G, H) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, F, G, H, I, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, e: NonEmptyList<F>, f: NonEmptyList<G>, g: NonEmptyList<H>, h: NonEmptyList<I>, map: (E, B, C, D, F, G, H, I) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, e: NonEmptyList<F>, f: NonEmptyList<G>, g: NonEmptyList<H>, h: NonEmptyList<I>, i: NonEmptyList<J>, map: (E, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
inline fun <B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, Z> zip(b: NonEmptyList<B>, c: NonEmptyList<C>, d: NonEmptyList<D>, e: NonEmptyList<F>, f: NonEmptyList<G>, g: NonEmptyList<H>, h: NonEmptyList<I>, i: NonEmptyList<J>, j: NonEmptyList<K>, map: (E, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> Z): NonEmptyList<Z>
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inline fun <B, C, D, E> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, transform: (B, C, D) -> E): List<E>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, transform: (B, C, D, E) -> F): List<F>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, f: Iterable<F>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F) -> G): List<G>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, f: Iterable<F>, g: Iterable<G>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G) -> H): List<H>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, f: Iterable<F>, g: Iterable<G>, h: Iterable<H>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> I): List<I>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, f: Iterable<F>, g: Iterable<G>, h: Iterable<H>, i: Iterable<I>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> J): List<J>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, f: Iterable<F>, g: Iterable<G>, h: Iterable<H>, i: Iterable<I>, j: Iterable<J>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> K): List<K>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> Iterable<B>.zip(c: Iterable<C>, d: Iterable<D>, e: Iterable<E>, f: Iterable<F>, g: Iterable<G>, h: Iterable<H>, i: Iterable<I>, j: Iterable<J>, k: Iterable<K>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> L): List<L>