Returns true if this is a Both, false otherwise.
Returns true if this is a Left, false otherwise.
Returns true if this is a Right, false otherwise.
Binds the given function across Ior.Right.
Applies fa if this is a Left, fb if this is a Right or fab if this is a Both
Returns false if Right or Left, or returns the result of the application of the given predicate to the Both value.
Returns false if Right or Both, or returns the result of the application of the given predicate to the Left value.
Returns false if Left or Both, or returns the result of the application of the given predicate to the Right value.
Returns the Left value or A if this is Left or Both and null if this is a Right.
The given function is applied if this is a Right or Both to B.
The given function is applied if this is a Left or Both to A.
If this is a Left, then return the left value in Right or vice versa, when this is Both , left and right values are swap
Returns a Either.Right containing the Right value or B if this is Right or Both and Either.Left if this is a Left.
Given an Ior with an error type A, returns an IorNel with the same error type. Wraps the original error in a NonEmptyList so that it can be combined with an IorNel in a Raise DSL which operates on one.
Return the isomorphic Either of this Ior