
inline fun <A, B, C> Either<A, B>.flatMap(f: (right: B) -> Either<A, C>): Either<A, C>

Binds the given function across Right, that is, Map, or transform, the right value B of this Either into a new Either with a right value of type C. Returns a new Either with either the original left value of type A or the newly transformed right value of type C.



The function to bind across Right.

inline fun <A, B, D> Ior<A, B>.flatMap(combine: (A, A) -> A, f: (B) -> Ior<A, D>): Ior<A, D>

Binds the given function across Ior.Right.



The function to bind across Ior.Right.

inline fun <A, B> Result<A>.flatMap(transform: (value: A) -> Result<B>): Result<B>

Compose a transform operation on the success value A into B whilst flattening Result.

See also

if you want run a function that catches and maps with (A) -> B