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open suspend override fun accumulate(current: InternalAccumulator, value: Value)
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abstract fun accumulateNonSuspend(current: InternalAccumulator, value: Value)
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open fun <P> contramap(transform: suspend (P) -> Value): Collector<P, Result>

Applies a function over each element in the data source, before giving it to the collector.

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open fun <P> contramapNonSuspend(transform: (P) -> Value): NonSuspendCollector<P, Result>

Applies a function over each element in the data source, before giving it to the collector.

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open suspend override fun finish(current: InternalAccumulator): Result
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open fun <S> map(transform: suspend (Result) -> S): Collector<Value, S>

Performs additional work during the finalization phase, by applying a function to the end result.

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open fun <S> mapNonSuspend(transform: (Result) -> S): NonSuspendCollector<Value, S>

Performs additional work during the finalization phase, by applying a function to the end result.

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open suspend override fun supply(): InternalAccumulator
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open fun <B, S> zip(other: CollectorI<B, Value, S>): Collector<Value, Pair<Result, S>>

Combines two Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

open fun <B, S, V> zip(other: CollectorI<B, Value, S>, combine: suspend (Result, S) -> V): Collector<Value, V>

Combines two Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel, and then combining the end result in a final step.

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Combines two Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel, and then combining the end result in a final step.