Package-level declarations


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Defines how the collect function may run the collector.

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A Collector accumulates information from elements coming from some data source, usually a kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow or Iterable.

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object Collectors

Library of Collectors.


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fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.collect(collector: NonSuspendCollector<T, R>): R

Performs collection over the elements of this in a non-concurrent fashion.

fun <T, R> Iterator<T>.collect(collector: NonSuspendCollector<T, R>): R

fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.collect(collector: NonSuspendCollector<T, R>): R

Performs collection over the elements of this in a non-concurrent fashion.

suspend fun <T, R> Flow<T>.collect(collector: Collector<T, R>, concurrency: Int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY): R

Performs collection over the elements of this. The amount of concurrency depends on the Characteristics of collector, and can be tweaked using the concurrency parameter.

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Collects all the values in a map.

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Collects all the values in a map.

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Collects all the values in a set.

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fun <T, R> Collectors.jvm(collector: Collector<T, *, R>): NonSuspendCollector<T, R>

Wraps a to use with collect.

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suspend fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.parCollect(collector: Collector<T, R>, concurrency: Int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY): R

Performs collection over the elements of this. The amount of concurrency depends on the Characteristics of collector, and can be tweaked using the concurrency parameter.

suspend fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.parCollect(collector: Collector<T, R>, concurrency: Int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY): R

Performs collection over the elements of this. The amount of concurrency depends on the Characteristics of collector, and can be tweaked using the concurrency parameter.

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fun <A, R, S, V> zip(x: Collector<A, R>, y: Collector<A, S>, combine: suspend (R, S) -> V): Collector<A, V>

Combines two Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

fun <A, R, S, V> zip(x: NonSuspendCollector<A, R>, y: NonSuspendCollector<A, S>, combine: (R, S) -> V): NonSuspendCollector<A, V>

Combines two NonSuspendCollectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

fun <A, R, S, T, V> zip(x: Collector<A, R>, y: Collector<A, S>, z: Collector<A, T>, combine: suspend (R, S, T) -> V): Collector<A, V>

Combines three Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

fun <A, R, S, T, V> zip(x: NonSuspendCollector<A, R>, y: NonSuspendCollector<A, S>, z: NonSuspendCollector<A, T>, combine: (R, S, T) -> V): NonSuspendCollector<A, V>

Combines three NonSuspendCollectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

fun <A, C1, C2, C3, C4, R> zip(c1: Collector<A, C1>, c2: Collector<A, C2>, c3: Collector<A, C3>, c4: Collector<A, C4>, combine: suspend (C1, C2, C3, C4) -> R): Collector<A, R>

Combines four Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

Combines four NonSuspendCollectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.

fun <A, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, R> zip(c1: Collector<A, C1>, c2: Collector<A, C2>, c3: Collector<A, C3>, c4: Collector<A, C4>, c5: Collector<A, C5>, combine: suspend (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) -> R): Collector<A, R>

Combines five Collectors by performing the phases of each of them in parallel.