
fun interface Schedule<in Input, out Output>

A Schedule describes how a suspend fun should retry or repeat.

It's defined by a step function that takes an Input and returns a Decision, the Decision determines if the suspend fun should be Continue to be retried or repeated (and if so, the delay until the next attempt), or if the Schedule is Done retrying or repeating.


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object Companion
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sealed interface Decision<in Input, out Output>


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open infix fun <B> and(other: Schedule<Input, B>): Schedule<Input, Pair<Output, B>>

Combines two Schedules into one by combining the output of both Schedules into a Pair. It chooses the longest delay between the two Schedules. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.

open fun <B, C> and(other: Schedule<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output, b: B) -> C): Schedule<Input, C>

Combines two Schedules into one by transforming the output of both Schedules using transform. It chooses the longest delay between the two Schedules. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.

open fun <B, C> and(other: Schedule<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output, b: B) -> C, combineDuration: suspend (left: Duration, right: Duration) -> Duration): Schedule<Input, C>

Combines two Schedules into one by transforming the output of both Schedules using transform. It combines the delay of both Schedules using combineDuration. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.

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open infix fun <A> andThen(other: Schedule<Input, A>): Schedule<Input, Either<Output, A>>

Runs this schedule until Done, and then runs other until Done. Wrapping the output of this in Either.Left, and the output of other in Either.Right.

open fun <A, B> andThen(other: Schedule<Input, A>, ifLeft: suspend (Output) -> B, ifRight: suspend (A) -> B): Schedule<Input, B>

Runs this schedule, and transforms the output of this schedule using ifLeft, When this schedule is Done, it runs other schedule, and transforms the output using ifRight.

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Collects all the Output of the Schedule into a List. This is useful in combination with identity to collect all the inputs.

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open fun <A> contramap(transform: suspend (A) -> Input): Schedule<A, Output>

Transform the Schedule by mapping the Input's.

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open fun delayed(transform: suspend (Output, Duration) -> Duration): Schedule<Input, Output>

Modify Continue.delay by the given function transform.

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open fun doUntil(predicate: suspend (input: Input, output: Output) -> Boolean): Schedule<Input, Output>

Runs the Schedule until the predicate of Input and Output returns true. Inverse version of doWhile.

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open fun doWhile(predicate: suspend (Input, Output) -> Boolean): Schedule<Input, Output>

Runs this Schedule while the predicate of Input and Output returns false.

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open fun <B> fold(b: B, f: suspend (B, Output) -> B): Schedule<Input, B>

Folds all the Output of the Schedule into a List. This is useful in combination with identity to fold all the Input into a final value B. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.

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abstract suspend operator fun invoke(input: Input): Schedule.Decision<Input, Output>
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open fun jittered(min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 1.0, random: Random = Random.Default): Schedule<Input, Output>

Adds a Random jitter to the delay of the Schedule.

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open fun log(action: suspend (input: Input, output: Output) -> Unit): Schedule<Input, Output>

Adds a logging action to the Schedule.

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open fun <A> map(transform: suspend (output: Output) -> A): Schedule<Input, A>

Transforms every Output'ed value of this schedule using transform.

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open fun <B, C> or(other: Schedule<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output?, b: B?) -> C, combineDuration: suspend (left: Duration?, right: Duration?) -> Duration): Schedule<Input, C>

Combines two Schedules into one by transforming the output of both Schedules using transform. It combines the delay of both Schedules using combineDuration. It continues to execute both Schedules until both are done, padding the output and duration with null if one of the Schedules is done.

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open suspend fun repeat(block: suspend () -> Input): Output

Repeat the schedule, and uses block as Input for the step function.

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open suspend fun repeatOrElse(block: suspend () -> Input, orElse: suspend (error: Throwable, output: Output?) -> Output): Output

Repeat the schedule, and uses block as Input for the step function. If the step function throws an exception, it will be caught and passed to orElse.

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open suspend fun <A> repeatOrElseEither(block: suspend () -> Input, orElse: suspend (error: Throwable, output: Output?) -> A): Either<A, Output>

Repeat the schedule, and uses block as Input for the step function. If the step function throws an exception, it will be caught and passed to orElse. The resulting Either indicates if the step function threw an exception or not.

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inline suspend fun <E : Throwable, A> Schedule<E, *>.retry(noinline action: suspend () -> A): A
suspend fun <E : Throwable, A> Schedule<E, *>.retry(exceptionClass: KClass<E>, action: suspend () -> A): A

Retries action using any E that occurred as the input to the Schedule. It will throw the last exception if the Schedule is exhausted, and ignores the output of the Schedule.

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inline suspend fun <Error, Result, Output> Schedule<Error, Output>.retryEither(action: () -> Either<Error, Result>): Either<Error, Result>

Retries action using any Error that occurred as the input to the Schedule. It will return the last Error if the Schedule is exhausted, and ignores the output of the Schedule.

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inline suspend fun <E : Throwable, Input, Output> Schedule<E, Output>.retryOrElse(noinline action: suspend () -> Input, noinline orElse: suspend (Throwable, Output) -> Input): Input
suspend fun <E : Throwable, Input, Output> Schedule<E, Output>.retryOrElse(exceptionClass: KClass<E>, action: suspend () -> Input, orElse: suspend (E, Output) -> Input): Input

Retries action using any E that occurred as the input to the Schedule. If the Schedule is exhausted, it will invoke orElse with the last exception and the output of the Schedule to produce a fallback Input value.

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inline suspend fun <E : Throwable, Input, Output, A> Schedule<E, Output>.retryOrElseEither(noinline action: suspend () -> Input, noinline orElse: suspend (E, Output) -> A): Either<A, Input>
suspend fun <E : Throwable, Input, Output, A> Schedule<E, Output>.retryOrElseEither(exceptionClass: KClass<E>, action: suspend () -> Input, orElse: suspend (E, Output) -> A): Either<A, Input>

Retries action using any E that occurred as the input to the Schedule. If the Schedule is exhausted, it will invoke orElse with the last exception and the output of the Schedule to produce a fallback value of A. Returns Either with the fallback value if the Schedule is exhausted, or the successful result of action.

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inline suspend fun <Error, Result, Output> Schedule<Error, Output>.retryRaise(action: Raise<Error>.() -> Result): Either<Error, Result>

Retries action using any Error that occurred as the input to the Schedule. It will return the last Error if the Schedule is exhausted, and ignores the output of the Schedule.

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open infix fun <B> zipLeft(other: Schedule<Input, B>): Schedule<Input, Output>

Combines two Schedules into one, ignoring the output of other. It chooses the longest delay between the two Schedules. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.

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open infix fun <B> zipRight(other: Schedule<Input, B>): Schedule<Input, B>

Combines two Schedules into one, ignoring the output of this Schedule. It chooses the longest delay between the two Schedules. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.