
data class Continue<in Input, out Output>(val output: Output, val delay: Duration, val step: ScheduleStep<Input, Output>) : Schedule.Decision<Input, Output>


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constructor(output: Output, delay: Duration, step: ScheduleStep<Input, Output>)


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open override val output: Output
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open suspend fun <B, C> and(other: Schedule.Decision<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output, b: B) -> C, combineDuration: suspend (left: Duration, right: Duration) -> Duration): Schedule.Decision<Input, C>
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open suspend fun andThen(other: suspend (Input) -> Schedule.Decision<Input, Output>): Schedule.Decision<Input, Output>
open suspend fun <A, B> andThen(other: suspend (Input) -> Schedule.Decision<Input, A>, ifLeft: suspend (Output) -> B, ifRight: suspend (A) -> B): Schedule.Decision<Input, B>
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open suspend fun <A> contramap(f: suspend (A) -> Input): Schedule.Decision<A, Output>
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open suspend fun delayed(transform: suspend (Output, Duration) -> Duration): Schedule.Decision<Input, Output>
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open suspend fun <A> map(f: suspend (output: Output) -> A): Schedule.Decision<Input, A>
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open suspend fun <B, C> or(other: Schedule.Decision<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output?, b: B?) -> C, combineDuration: suspend (left: Duration?, right: Duration?) -> Duration): Schedule.Decision<Input, C>
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