Combines two Schedules into one by combining the output of both Schedules into a Pair. It chooses the longest delay between the two Schedules. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.
open fun <B, C> and(other: Schedule<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output, b: B) -> C): Schedule<Input, C>
Combines two Schedules into one by transforming the output of both Schedules using transform. It chooses the longest delay between the two Schedules. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.
open fun <B, C> and(other: Schedule<Input, B>, transform: suspend (output: Output, b: B) -> C, combineDuration: suspend (left: Duration, right: Duration) -> Duration): Schedule<Input, C>
Combines two Schedules into one by transforming the output of both Schedules using transform. It combines the delay of both Schedules using combineDuration. If one of the Schedules is done, the other Schedule is not executed anymore.