
expect class Atomic<V>(initialValue: V)(source)

Atomic value of V.

import arrow.atomic.AtomicInt
import arrow.atomic.update
import arrow.atomic.value
import arrow.fx.coroutines.parMap

suspend fun main() {
val count = AtomicInt(0)
(0 until 20_000).parMap {

Atomic also offers some other interesting operators such as loop, update, tryUpdate, etc.

WARNING: Use AtomicInt and AtomicLong for Int and Long on Kotlin Native!

actual class Atomic<V>(initialValue: V)(source)
actual typealias Atomic<V> = AtomicReference<V>(source)
actual class Atomic<V>(initialValue: V)(source)


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expect constructor(initialValue: V)
actual constructor(initialValue: V)
actual constructor(initialValue: V)


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var <T> Atomic<T>.value: T


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expect fun compareAndSet(expected: V, new: V): Boolean

Compare current value with expected and set to new if they're the same. Note, 'compare' is checking the actual object id, not 'equals'.

actual fun compareAndSet(expected: V, new: V): Boolean
actual fun compareAndSet(expected: V, new: V): Boolean
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expect fun get(): V
actual fun get(): V
actual fun get(): V
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expect fun getAndSet(value: V): V
actual fun getAndSet(value: V): V
actual fun getAndSet(value: V): V
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inline fun <V> Atomic<V>.getAndUpdate(function: (V) -> V): V

Updates variable atomically using the specified function of its value and returns its old value.

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inline fun <V> Atomic<V>.loop(action: (V) -> Unit): Nothing

Infinite loop that reads this atomic variable and performs the specified action on its value.

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expect fun set(value: V)
actual fun set(value: V)
actual fun set(value: V)
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inline fun <V> Atomic<V>.tryUpdate(function: (V) -> V): Boolean
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inline fun <V> Atomic<V>.update(function: (V) -> V)
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inline fun <V> Atomic<V>.updateAndGet(function: (V) -> V): V

Updates variable atomically using the specified function of its value and returns its new value.