
object Companion


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fun <S> id(): Iso<S, S>
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inline fun <A, B : A> instanceOf(): Prism<A, B>
fun <A : Any, B : A> instanceOf(klass: KClass<B>): Prism<A, B>

Prism to focus on a particular subtype B

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operator fun <S, T, A, B> invoke(getOrModify: (S) -> Either<T, A>, reverseGet: (B) -> T): PPrism<S, T, A, B>

Invoke operator overload to create a PPrism of type S with focus A. Can also be used to construct Prism

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@JvmName(name = "eitherLeft")
fun <L, R> left(): Prism<Either<L, R>, L>

Prism to focus into an arrow.core.Either.Left

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Prism to focus into an arrow.core.None

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fun <A> only(a: A, eq: (constant: A, other: A) -> Boolean = { aa, b -> aa == b }): Prism<A, Unit>

A PPrism that checks for equality with a given value a

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fun <L, R, E> pLeft(): PPrism<Either<L, R>, Either<E, R>, L, E>

Polymorphic PPrism to focus into an arrow.core.Either.Left

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fun <L, R, B> pRight(): PPrism<Either<L, R>, Either<L, B>, R, B>

Polymorphic PPrism to focus into an arrow.core.Either.Right

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fun <A, B> pSome(): PPrism<Option<A>, Option<B>, A, B>

PPrism to focus into an arrow.core.Some

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@JvmName(name = "eitherRight")
fun <L, R> right(): Prism<Either<L, R>, R>
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fun <A> some(): Prism<Option<A>, A>

Prism to focus into an arrow.core.Some