
open override fun <K, A> Map<K, Either<Error, A>>.bindAll(): Map<K, A>

Extracts all the values in the Map, raising every Either.Left as a logical failure. In other words, executed bind over every value in this Map.

open override fun <A> Iterable<Either<Error, A>>.bindAll(): List<A>

open override fun <A> NonEmptyList<Either<Error, A>>.bindAll(): NonEmptyList<A>

Extracts all the values in the NonEmptyList, raising every Either.Left as a logical failure. In other words, executed bind over every value in this NonEmptyList.

open override fun <A> NonEmptySet<Either<Error, A>>.bindAll(): NonEmptySet<A>

Extracts all the values in the NonEmptySet, raising every Either.Left as a logical failure. In other words, executed bind over every value in this NonEmptySet.