
Library of Collectors.


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Counts the number of elements in the flow.

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Sum of all the values in the flow.


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fun <M> bestBy(selectNew: (old: M, new: M) -> Boolean): NonSuspendCollector<M, M?>

Returns the "best" value from the value.

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Collects all the values in a map.

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Collects all the values in a map.

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Collects all the values in a set.

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fun <R> constant(value: R): NonSuspendCollector<Any?, R>

Returns always the same value, regardless of the collected flow.

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fun intReducer(initial: () -> Int, combine: (Int, Int) -> Int): NonSuspendCollector<Int, Int>
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fun <T, R> Collectors.jvm(collector: Collector<T, *, R>): NonSuspendCollector<T, R>

Wraps a to use with collect.

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Collects all the values in a list, in the order in which they are emitted.

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fun <K, V> map(): NonSuspendCollector<Pair<K, V>, Map<K, V>>

Collects all the values in a map.

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Collects all the values in a map.

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fun <M> reducer(initial: () -> M, combine: (M, M) -> M, unordered: Boolean = false): NonSuspendCollector<M, M>
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Collects all the values in a set.