
open operator fun <A> TQueue<A>.plusAssign(a: A)

Append an element to the TQueue. Alias for STM.write.

import arrow.fx.stm.TQueue
import arrow.fx.stm.atomically

suspend fun main() {
val tq =<Int>()
atomically {
tq += 2
println("Items in queue ${atomically { tq.flush() }}")

This function never retries.

open operator fun <K, V> TMap<K, V>.plusAssign(kv: Pair<K, V>)

Add a key value pair to the map

import arrow.fx.stm.TMap
import arrow.fx.stm.atomically

suspend fun main() {
val tmap =<Int, String>()
atomically {
tmap += (1 to "Hello")

open operator fun <A> TSet<A>.plusAssign(a: A)

Adds an element to the set. Alias of STM.insert.

import arrow.fx.stm.TSet
import arrow.fx.stm.atomically

suspend fun main() {
val tset =<String>()
atomically {
tset += "Hello"