
inline suspend fun <A, B> bracket(crossinline acquire: suspend () -> A, use: suspend (A) -> B, crossinline release: suspend (A) -> Unit): B

Describes a task with safe resource acquisition and release in the face of errors and interruption. It would be the equivalent of an async capable try/catch/finally statements in mainstream imperative languages for resource acquisition and release.



is the action to acquire the resource.


is the action to consume the resource and produce a result. Once the resulting suspend program terminates, either successfully, error or disposed, the release function will run to clean up the resources.


is the action that's supposed to release the allocated resource after use is done, irregardless of its exit condition.

import arrow.fx.coroutines.*

class File(val url: String) {
fun open(): File = this
fun close(): Unit {}
override fun toString(): String = "This file contains some interesting content from $url!"

suspend fun openFile(uri: String): File = File(uri).open()
suspend fun closeFile(file: File): Unit = file.close()
suspend fun fileToString(file: File): String = file.toString()

suspend fun main(): Unit {
val res = bracket(
acquire = { openFile("data.json") },
use = { file -> fileToString(file) },
release = { file: File -> closeFile(file) }