Ensures that the condition is met; otherwise, Raise.raises a logical failure of type Error.
In summary, this is a type-safe alternative to require, using the Raise API.
value class CountryCode(val code: String)
sealed interface CountryCodeError {
data class InvalidLength(val length: Int) : CountryCodeError
object ContainsInvalidChars : CountryCodeError
fun Raise<CountryCodeError>.countryCode(rawCode: String): CountryCode {
ensure(rawCode.length == 2) { CountryCodeError.InvalidLength(rawCode.length) }
ensure(rawCode.any { !it.isLetter() }) { CountryCodeError.ContainsInvalidChars }
return CountryCode(rawCode)
fun main() {
countryCode("US") // valid
countryCode("ABC") // raises CountryCode.InvalidLength error
countryCode("A1") // raises CountryCode.ContainsInvalidChar
}) { error ->
// Handle errors in a type-safe manner
when (error) {
CountryCodeError.ContainsInvalidChars -> {}
is CountryCodeError.InvalidLength -> {}
// Can call it w/o error handling => prone to runtime errors
countryCodeOrThrow("Will fail")
countryCode("Will fail") // this line won't compile => we're protected
try {
countryCodeOrThrow("US") // valid
countryCodeOrThrow("ABC") // throw IllegalArgumentException
countryCodeOrThrow("A1") // throw IllegalArgumentException
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
// Not easy to handle
// Not type-safe alternative using require
fun countryCodeOrThrow(rawCode: String): CountryCode {
require(rawCode.length == 2) { CountryCodeError.InvalidLength(rawCode.length) }
require(rawCode.any { !it.isLetter() }) { CountryCodeError.ContainsInvalidChars }
return CountryCode(rawCode)
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